Good morning YUJ FAMILY happy Monday we have a fun night coming up Friday Kate is running a beautiful yin class at 6:15 then at 7:30 I'm holding a dance embodiment class a great way to soften with yin mand get into flow state and then finish the night off with some conscious movement.. the dance class it's about doing certain moves.. it's about moving your body's in a way that feels good.. it's healing on a deep level and moves any old stuck energy in your body .. forming a deeper connection to your body mind and soul ..and it's so much fun !!! hope to see u all there have a wonderful day NAMASTE XOXO
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“Union: to Unite or to Connect “ YUJ: the Union of your Mind, Body and Spirit.
A place to gather for Transformation, Realisation and Connection to Source, Self, and Others

YUJ Group
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